• Adventure,  Destination,  Travel,  Victoria Falls

    Exciting 5 Day Travel Itinerary To The Victoria Falls

      Do you ever want to go on a vacation, but don’t have many leave days? That is always the issue isn’t it?  Yes, we totally understand… Why not consider travelling to a neighbouring African country?  The Victoria Falls is one destination to consider when deciding where to travel.   You might be thinking, but why?    Why travel to the Victoria Falls?  Southern African countries have so much to offer and are all very unique in their own way.  Being…

  • Adventure,  Destination,  New Zealand,  Travel

    Top 5 Places To Visit In New Zealand

    New Zealand, the beauty and all.  What a beautiful country to travel throughout.  There are endless places to visit in both the north and south island.  Your travel time frame will decipher whether you will be able to travel every part of New Zealand flat, or just specifically the touristy areas within the country. Where to travel in New Zealand  We were lucky to have been able to travel to New Zealand for 2.5 months, where we were able to…

  • Adventure,  Travel

    6 Simple Steps In What You Need To Know To Safely Change A Car Tyre

    For those following our journey on Instagram, you would have seen that we were recently on a road trip from Windhoek to Cape Town.  One main takeaway is that as a driver, you should know how to safely change a car tyre.  Otherwise you might sit with a few problems.  In this blog we mention our 6 simple steps to safely change a car tyre.   The crazy thing is that we have both been driving for over 10 years (giving our…