Accommodation Suggestions in Franschhoek: One Night at Franschhoek Boutique Hotel
Where to stay during your one night in Franschhoek These are our accommodation suggestions for travellers looking for decent accommodation in Franschhoek that won’t break the bank. During our recent adventures to Franschhoek, we have visited various properties, and only have amazing things to say. It does get a little tricky on how to choose your accommodation, because there are so many amazing options. Do you need a one night in Franschhoek? Or perhaps one week? One week…
Accommodation Suggestions in Franschhoek: One Night at Maison du Cap
Where to stay during your one night in Franschhoek These are our accommodation suggestions for travellers looking for decent accommodation in Franschhoek that won’t break the bank. During our recent adventures to Franschhoek, we have visited various properties, and only have amazing things to say. It does get a little tricky on how to choose your accommodation, because there are so many amazing options. Do you need a one night in Franschhoek? Or perhaps one week? One week…
6 Simple Steps In What You Need To Know To Safely Change A Car Tyre
For those following our journey on Instagram, you would have seen that we were recently on a road trip from Windhoek to Cape Town. One main takeaway is that as a driver, you should know how to safely change a car tyre. Otherwise you might sit with a few problems. In this blog we mention our 6 simple steps to safely change a car tyre. The crazy thing is that we have both been driving for over 10 years (giving our…
One Night Stay in the Heart of Franschhoek
A day trip to Franschhoek that ended up being one night in Franschhoek. Our cousin knows that we are always down for an adventure, so we headed out to Franschhoek for the day to join our extended family day outing. We knew what scootouring was, however, we didn’t know what to expect. Also, we always run late and our cousin is always on time. As in on time, on time…. While we were getting ready, Julia shouted are we staying the night? Why not pack a…
Travelling From Sweden To South Africa During A World Pandemic
My daunting travel experience getting back to Cape Town during the covid-19 pandemic In this blog, I talk about my life in Sweden pre covid-19 and how I managed to get home travelling during a pandemic, with all the emotions involved. The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between. Travelling internationally before Covid-19 was quite something, especially being South African. We need visas for many countries and the process is rather intense. In December 2017 we travelled to…